Aircraft Turbo Engine Pneumatic Accessories Test Bench (PN: 135-1B)

The bench has been developed to perform the test, on A/C turbo engine pneumatic accessories in accordance to the procedures foreseen in the OEM component maintenance manual.
The test bench is used to perform checks and calibration of the following turbo engine accessories:
- Viper BOV
- T55 Bleed Valve
- RR250 Bleed Valve
- Viper PRS114
- T53 Bleed Valve
- RR250 PTG
- Viper Oil Low Pressure Trx
- RR250 PC filter
- RR250 Deice
- Viper Fuel Low pressure Trx
- RR250 Check valve
- RR250 Air Accumulator
Main Features
The test bench is composed of 2 main subassemblies:
Main test chamber:
Where are present all the components under test interfaces and controls. In the rear part of the chamber are located the sensors and the relevant pneumatic connections. The sensors installed are several types like: air pressure transducers having an accuracy of +/-0.05% F.S.; differential pressure transducers with an accuracy of +/-0.05% F.S; PT100 temperature sensors with a precision of +/- 0.5°C; air flow mass indicator (Coriolis effect) class 0.5%V.L; Ambient pressure transducer; in addition an electric motor driven by “inverter” and monitored by encoder with a precision of 0.1% F.S. at 6500Rpm is provided.
All these sensors are connected to the Analog-Digital acquisition data system that uses sensors with measurement converted in 4-20 mA. In order to grant a correct air flow and pressure to the accessories the test bench has 1 Vacuum pump and is connected to shop air compressed source at 15 bar 900Nl/min. An electric AC Power Supply 270Vac, 5A, 1000VA controlled by the application software installed on PC is present.
Control station:
is realized with a PC, located on external console, where are loaded for each UUT the circuit configuration and the test parameters. In addition trough the software installed the authorized technician could get the access to the instrument/sensors for calibration. The software run in the Windows 7 OS and a further slave monitor is installed inside the test chamber to help the operator during the test, reporting or the same information shown on the PC monitor or other pages like the synoptic circuit, involved in the accessory test. The software allows for each test to store the data acquired and give the possibility to print report in a customer format.
The test bench has been delivered with:
- Flexible hoses to pneumatic interface all the accessories to be tested
- Mechanical mating flange to interface the test bench variable speed electric motor output with the accessory drive quill in case of rotational accessories
- P/N 135-1B-70: RR 250 Bleed valve test box