Draining & Refilling Station For ECS (PN: 416-9)

NSN: 4920-15-007-7908
Aircraft air-conditioning systems gas-recovery, usedoil discharge, vacuum, leakage check, oil injection, gas injection and discharge of incondensable gases.
Main Features
This equipment is a semi-automatic, multifunctional digital-setting system, manufactured to perform maintenance on aircraft air-conditioning systems like gas-recovery (R134A), used-oil discharge, vacuum, leakage check, oil injection, gas injection and discharge of incondensable gases.
Main Technical Characteristics
Power supply: 220V – 50hz / 110V – 60hz; 900 W
Vacuum flow rate. 72 Litres/min
Filter absorption capacity (rate) 160 gr H2O
System recovery rate 400 gr/min
Vacuum limit 0.1 mbar
Refrigerant cylinder capacity 12 lt
Max operating temperature 50°C
Minimum operating temperature 5°C
Max. pressure of the pneumatic circuit 16 bar
Digital function display
High pressure and Low pressure gauges, class .1.0 pulse free
Oil discharge valve / Oil discharge tank connection
New oil injection tank connection / New oil injection valve
UV tracer tank connection / UV tracer injection valve
HP and LP valve / quick coupling
Fully compatibility with different oil as PLANETELF PAG 244, SANDEN SP-10 for mechanically driven compressor, or oil for electrically driven compressor as TOTAL PLANETELF ACD 68M, ISO grade 68.
Standard: power supply cable length 2m with plug 1P+ Neutral + GND 10A, type SCHUKO, HP & LP output flexible hoses, length 6 m with quick disconnect coupling.
Test stand textile cover, wood crate for transport; O&M manual, CoC, Test report, port.